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Designing and Building with Mass Timber + MSU STEM Facility Site Tour

5月15日下午12:30 - 4:00 pm 美国东部时间

  • 在人

Regional In-Person Seminar + Tour (东兰辛, MI)

Designing and Building with Mass Timber: Design, Planning and Performance + 密歇根州立大学STEM设施现场参观

This unique two-part event is comprised of an 皇冠99hg现金网al seminar followed by a firsthand look 密歇根 State University’s STEM Teaching and 学习ing Facility.

建筑师如何, 工程师 and contractors collaborate to meet the growing demand for mass timber buildings? While developers across the country are pursuing mass timber projects, knowledge among AEC professionals is not yet widespread. Firms have varying degrees of familiarity with both the products and practicalities of 设计ing, 采购, 建造一个现代化的大型木结构建筑, and early adopters continue to play a significant role in educating the rest of the community. This presentation seeks to build on this openness and environment of shared learning, 提供大量木材产品的概述, 规划, 设计, and implementation to maximize the benefits these buildings can deliver. We’ll also discuss why some mass timber projects face resistance, and how to overcome misconceptions to achieve success. Topics will also include preconstruction coordination and interactions between the manufacturer and 设计/construction teams, 基于案例的成本核算和调度方法, 项目交付方式, how to achieve the highest level of efficiency for costs, 时间表, 和性能, and additional 皇冠99hg现金网 and training opportunities.

演讲结束后, take an in-depth look at 密歇根 State University’s new STEM Teaching and 学习ing Facility, a 121,000-SF mass timber structure and the first significant use of cross-laminated timber (CLT) in the state. The facility consists of two mass timber wings flanking the north and south ends of the long-decommissioned Shaw Lane Power Plant, 它也被振兴和重新利用. The wings feature three stories of glulam post-and-beam construction with steel diagonal bracing, CLT地板和屋顶甲板, 和出口楼梯的CLT墙. CLT was also used for structural floor decks in the power plant. The exposed timber structure was chosen to help realize the University’s goal of utilizing innovative and sustainable construction methods that also function as visual learning tools. Attendees will tour the site with MSU Staff, Sandra Lupien and Dr. 乔治Berghorn, who will share information on detailing and construction techniques utilized throughout the building. The tour format encourages questions and discussion.

Join us after the tour for a networking happy hour at the The Old Bag of Nails Pub – 兰辛 located at 210 Cascade Blvd, 兰辛, MI.




下午1:00 - 3:00:演讲

下午3:00 - 4:00:参观



本次研讨会得到了MassTimber@MSU的部分支持, a program at 密歇根 State University that leverages research, 皇冠99hg现金网, 外展, 通信, 政策, and partnerships to advance sustainable mass timber construction and manufacture in 密歇根 and the surrounding region. 欲知详情,请浏览 www.masstimber.密歇根州立大学.edu


View this project on WIN – 木制品创新网络


发言人: 安东尼·哈维,木工公司PE



  • Attendees can Earn 2 AIA/CES HSW LUs, 2 PDH credits or 0.2个国际商会学分(研讨会)
  • Attendees can Earn 1 AIA/CES HSW LUs, 1 PDH credit or 0.1个国际商会信用(旅游)



Parking: Lot 79 – the Spartan Stadium lot – located directly west of the STEM building. 这是收费停车场.

Map & 方向


For questions or additional information, please contact: 玛丽·施拉姆卡 玛丽.schramka@iscofe.net


Image: MSU STEM Teaching and 学习ing Facility / Integrated Design Solutions / photo Christofer Lark


下午12:30 - 4:00 美国东部时间


密歇根 State University (MSU) STEM Teaching 学习ing Facility
东兰辛, MI 48824 美国